National Trust Database - Search Results

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Former ES&A Bank

ANZ Bank

279 Bay Street,, BRIGHTON VIC 3186 - Property No B5693


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Former ES&A Bank

ANZ Bank

170 Elgin Street,, CARLTON VIC 3053 - Property No B0484

A three-storeyed bank building of 1870, suggestive of the work of Leonard Terry and related especially to his National Bank at Romsey and A N Z Bank at Malop Street, Geelong; now defaced by porch and interior renovation. Classified: 09/11/1972



London Chartered Bank

ANZ Bank ,  Borough Of Kerang Offices; Former ES&A Bank

71 Wellington Street, KERANG VIC 3579 - Property No B2958

The ANZ Bank, Kerang was erected in 1889 for the London Chartered Bank. The architects were Oakden, Addison and Kemp. The two storey brick structure includes banking chamber, manager's residence and detached stables. The building is among the notable group of Queen Anne style banks designed by Henry Kemp in the late 1880s. Kemp is among the greatest exponets of this style in Australia. This particular example is exceptionally intact and demonstrates the style's principal ... more

